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October 17, 2016

Note: This post was written by a guest author.

Most of us have seen children with their eyes glued to a phone screen and their thumbs flying as they text. This is a major part of socializing among young people. Some become so attached to their cell phones that they refuse to put them down (addicted?). They send messages before, during and after their classes in school, and even while driving. (Texting while driving is considered more dangerous than driving while drunk or on drugs.)

Do children learn how to actually speak to each other when their main communication link is by text message? Golly, children seem to believe it’s easier to text someone than it is to take two or three steps and talk to them. I believe children are becoming more and more isolated because their face-to-face social skills are so weak. Is this why they resort to sexting — children send crude messages and nude photos of themselves hoping to be liked. Do they see the danger in this?

Our younger generation has grown up with computers and hand held gizmos like iPads, iPods, and iPhones. Sadly, many have learned how to cheat in the classroom by texting test questions, then immediately receiving the answers. Given enough time, a child could search for answers to every question on a test. So, what are we testing? Search skills? Keyboard dexterity? Honesty and ethics?

Are we raising a generation of fools who know how to retrieve answers to questions on their cell phones? But, are they learning how to think? Are they learning how to talk with each other? Do they know how to play with each other?

These questions really scare me. I’m afraid of the answers. We need to take immediate action before our generation of fools walks out of school.

May 2, 2024
This is the last installment in our four-part series on test taking anxiety. I certainly hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. If you have any suggestions for future series topics, please let me know!
May 2, 2024
Welcome back to our four-part series on test taking anxiety! Be sure to check back each day for the next installment. Or, if you’d rather, subscribe to our blog on the sidebar and have the next post delivered right to your inbox. Happy reading!
May 2, 2024
This week, I will be presenting a four-part series on test taking anxiety. Be sure to check back each day for the next installment. Or, if you’d rather, subscribe to our blog on the sidebar and have the next post delivered right to your inbox. Happy reading! Preparing for testing season is enough to make anybody nervous. Whether you are a teacher, a parent, or a students, there are bound to be some butterflies when you hear acronyms like SAT, ACT, PRAXIS, PARCC, OAA, etc. Generally, a little bit of nervousness is good – it is your body’s way of telling you that this is important to you and you want to succeed.
April 10, 2024
April 10, 2024
In 2012, the state of Ohio began the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program (JPSN). This program uses tax dollars to allow students with learning disabilities to receive services from an Ohio Department of Education approved provider. North Coast Tutoring Services has been a provider to the Jon Peterson Scholarship since its inception. We provide academic, speech occupational therapy, transition services, behavior services to students according to the needs listed on their IEP. The scholarship year runs from July 1 – June 30. North Coast offers rolling admission until March 10th of the current Scholarship year for new applicants and provider transfers within the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship and the Autism Scholarship. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE JON PETERSON SCHOLARSHIP? CLICK HERE TO READ OUR FAQ!
February 2, 2023
Photo Credit: Rodnae Production via Pexels
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