Richards Learning Systems ®

Richards Learning Systems ® … The Science of Reading

Sign Up For Richards Learning Systems ® English Tutoring In Northeast Ohio Counties.

It Works!

Richards Learning Systems® is an effective learning approach that is successful with children and adults of all skill levels. Students of all learning styles master the language arts with Richards Learning Systems®. The program is designed for students to succeed and builds self-esteem for often-frustrated learners. Since the ability to read and comprehend well is critical to success in all subject areas, Richards Learning Systems® learners often show improvement in math and other disciplines.

Research studies validate the effectiveness of the Richards Learning Systems® program. A study by Case Western Reserve University compared the year-end Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) scores of two sets of elementary school children. Richards Learning Systems® learners scored significantly higher than students taught with a standard reading curriculum. Before and after testing consistently illustrates an improvement in the mastery of basic decoding and reading comprehension skills for Richards Learning Systems® learners. Download the research document.

Many students have tried other learning approaches without improvement. These same students found success with the Richards Learning Systems® systematic language program.

A Smart Or Dumb Issue

Are poor readers just dumb? Definitely NOT! Many very bright children and adults have difficulty learning language skills. And many people that struggle with reading perform well and even excel in other disciplines like math, sports, or the arts. These individuals learn by doing! The Richards Learning Systems® multi-sensory techniques provide a better method for these individuals to improve their language skills.


In recognition of her outstanding educational innovation as author of Richards Learning Systems®, Carole Richards and North Coast Education Services were awarded the NorTech Innovation Award in 2001. Usually this award is presented to companies for innovative mechanical, electrical and electronic devices. It was most unusual for an author of intellectual properties to be recognized by NorTech.


Richards Learning Systems®, a logical approach to reading and writing skills, includes the following:

Workshop Training

Every fall, North Coast Education Services offers workshop training in Richards Learning Systems® and Real Life Ma+h. These workshops are open to tutors, teachers, administrators, intervention specialists, parents, and more.

Get More Information About Upcoming Workshops

“We are grateful to North Coast Tutoring for providing services that give our ten year old son a chance to be taught in the way that he learns and at his own pace. His tutor is patient and he enjoys seeing her every week.”

— Annmarie, North Ridgeville


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